
This document contains endpoints for

  1. Uploading files to different parts of the app

  2. Files feature in the projects

Uploading and Downloading

Files can be uploaded to tasks, task activities, chat messages, clients, and the files page. For all of these operations, first, you need to send a request to upload the file. After the upload completes, the server will return the id of the file. Then, you can use this id in other API endpoints.

Upload File


Uploads a file to use later. Returns the details of the saved file.

Unlike other API endpoints, this endpoint accepts a multipart/form-data request.

Files up to 4GB (4 million KB) in size are supported.

Request Body



Files uploaded to Cubicl cannot be accessed without authorization. In order to download a file, you need to request a download link. Then, you can send an HTTP request to the returned link to download the file. Links have a 5-minute lifetime. After that, you need to get another link.

Path Parameters


Files Page Endpoints

These endpoints allow you to view, create, edit and delete files and folders in the Files page of a project and a client.

Cubicl allows you to organize files and directories for both projects and also clients.

The structure of the Files page is similar to the file system in a computer or other file storage services such as Google Drive. It consists of nested file and directory nodes. At the top, a root directory node exists. Directories hold child file and directory nodes. File nodes are not same as the file record returned from Upload File endpoint. File node records point to file records.

Get Nodes


Gets file and directory nodes in a directory. The request should be sent with either 'group' or 'customer' parameters.

Query Parameters


Create Files


Creates file nodes for uploaded files.

Files can be create in either a project's or client's files page. Either group or customer parameter must be set.

Request Body


Create Directory


Creates a directory node.

Files can be created on either a project's or a client's files page. Either group or customer parameters must be set.

Request Body


Delete Nodes


Deletes file and directory nodes from a project or a client.

File nodes are deleted together with the file records and the uploaded file. Multiple nodes from different projects or clients cannot be deleted in a single request.

Request Body



type File = {
    _id: string;
    name: string;
    thumbnail?: string; // Link to thumbnail URL if file is a supported image
    // If file is attached from Google Drive
    google?: {
        id: string;
        extension: string;
        webViewLink: string;
        mimeType: string;
    // If file is attached from Dropbox
    dropbox?: {
        id: string;
        webViewLink: string;

File System Node

type FileSystemNode = {
    _id : string;
    // Parent directory id. null when parent is the root directory
    parent: string | null;
    group?: string; // Project id
    customer?: string; // Cliend id
    type: 'f' | 'd'; // f for file, d for directory
    file: File | null; // File when type is 'f', null when type is 'd'
    // Set when type is 'd'. If type is 'f', get name from 'file' property.
    name?: string;
    createdAt: number;

Last updated